Posts Tagged: Google Trends

A Look at Froyo Search Trends for National Frozen Yogurt Month 2023

Interestingly, the top U.S. search queries were very similar to the top worldwide search queries. The pattern of search traffic is remarkably similar for the United States (vs. worldwide) frozen yogurt search term over the past 5 years. It shows that the popularity of frozen yogurt did recover from the pandemic, with a stronger recovery in the US. Interest in frozen yogurt continues to be the highest in U.S., Canada, and Australia. And what’s driving the queries is the desire to find the froyo nearby.

National Frozen Yogurt Month 2022, A Look at Froyo Search Trends

It’s time for our annual National Frozen Yogurt Month feature, where we look at the popularity of frozen yogurt, including emerging trends, based on Google Trends. Googe Trends captures what people search for on Google Search, the world’s most popular search engine. Google Search accounts for 92% of worldwide search engine traffic as of April… Read more »

National Frozen Yogurt Month 2021, Froyo Search Trends

It’s time for our annual National Frozen Yogurt Month feature, where we take a look at the popularity of frozen yogurt, based on Google Trends. Google Trends captures how often people use particular search terms on Google Search, which has a search engine market share of 92% in 2021. Bing comes in second with a… Read more »

National Frozen Yogurt Month 2020, Froyo Trends

Since it’s National Frozen Yogurt Month, we decided to take a look at the popularity of frozen yogurt according to Google Trends. Google Trends captures how often people search for a particular term using Google Search, the #1 search engine in the world, over a period of time. Worldwide interest in frozen yogurt over the… Read more »

A Look at Frozen Yogurt Trends

It’s June and time to celebrate National Frozen Yogurt Month, Week and Day. TCBY started the tradition by sponsoring National Frozen Yogurt Month, National Frozen Yogurt Week (the first week of June) and National Frozen Yogurt Day (the first “Sundae/Sunday” in June) back in 1993. Every June we look at frozen yogurt trends as captured by Google… Read more »