Posts Tagged: Top It Yogurt Shoppe

Celebrating Earth Day: The Eco-Friendly Froyo Revolution

Earth Day is the perfect time to reflect on the environmental impact of our daily choices, particularly in the food and frozen yogurt industry. Eco-friendly practices in froyo shops can take many forms, from sourcing ingredients locally to reduce your shop’s carbon footprint, to using biodegradable or recyclable containers and utensils. Additionally, implementing energy-efficient equipment and lighting can significantly decrease a shop’s environmental impact.

Creative Froyo Toppings, 2024 Edition

We can’t have a post about creative froyo flavors without sharing our list of creative froyo toppings. We tried to keep this list limited to new toppings offered since our last creative froyo toppings post in March 2023. This year we found so many interesting toppings, including two that are very popular right now in South Korea: tanghulu and flat croissants. Six countries are represented on our creative froyo toppings list.