How to Choose the Right Frozen Beverage Machine

In our previous article, A New Thirst for Frozen Beverages, we provided an overview of the frozen beverage market, discussed reasons for selling frozen beverages, and provided tips for selling frozen beverages.

In this article, we focus on understanding frozen beverage machines. Specifically, we look at the types of frozen beverage machines and discuss what information you need to find the right frozen beverage machine.

Types of Frozen Beverage Machines

Frozen beverage machine models differ in three main ways:

  1. Capacity: The capacity of the machine and your serving size determine how many servings can be dispensed before refilling.
  2. Number of Freezing Cylinders: If the machine has more than one cylinder, it can offer more than one flavor at a time.
  3. Style: Most manufacturers offer floor model and countertop versions of their frozen beverage machines.

Some additional options and accessories include:

  • Auto-fill: With the auto-fill feature, the noncarbonated drink mix is drawn automatically from a remote storage tank. The product is premixed before connecting the pump/autofill system, just like it would be if you poured into hopper. For frozen carbonated beverages, the drink mix is drawn from a bag.
  • ADA compliant: ADA compliant machines are compliant with the American with Disabilities Act.
  • NSF approved for use with dairy: These machines pre-cool the liquid in the machine hopper, making them safe for dairy applications.
  • NSF approved for use with alcohol
  • Pressurized chamber: Unlike non-carbonated frozen beverage machines, carbonated frozen beverages machines require a pressure chamber and a carbon dioxide source.
  • Water filtration systems: These systems filter water before it goes into the tank of your frozen carbonated beverage machine.
  • Hopper agitator: This device agitates the mix in the hopper, so that manual stirring is not required throughout the day. The agitation both improves product consistency and prevents product separation.

How Soft Serve/Frozen Yogurt Machines Differ From Frozen Beverages Machines

There are quite a few similarities between soft serve and frozen beverage machines. Both types of machines have hoppers, can be air or water cooled, have countertop or floor models, include cylinders, etc. But, there are some important differences. Namely, you cannot make soft serve in a frozen beverage machine. It will not achieve the same viscosity of a proper soft serve. Also, the overrun in frozen beverages is much lower than in a typical soft serve.

Questions for Determining the Best Frozen Beverage Machine for Your Needs

Before you shop for your frozen beverage machine, we recommend that you know the answers to the following questions:

  • What type of business will the frozen beverage machine be located at? Will it be a restaurant/bar, nursing home, school, or food truck? Low volume locations should choose lower capacity machines.
  • What type of products do you plan to serve? Dairy based, carbonated, and alcoholic drinks have special considerations.
  • Number of flavors you want to serve at one time? This will help you decide between 1, 2 or 3 cylinders.
  • Will you have enough room for the machine(s)? Consider the amount of available floor vs. counter space.
  • What type of power do you have? Can your space support a higher voltage machine? Make sure your space can accommodate the machine’s voltage.
  • What will the average serving size be and how many servings do you expect to serve during your busiest hour?

Knowing how you will use the machine will make it easier to find the right machine.

Special thanks to Joe Grecula and Jeff Resnick of Spaceman USA, for sharing their frozen beverage expertise.