Creative Froyo Toppings, the 2023 Edition


Buddhi Belly, mango sticky rice

We can’t have a post about creative froyo flavors without sharing our list of creative froyo toppings. We tried to keep this list to new toppings offered since our last creative froyo toppings post of March 2022. Here they are, in alphabetical order.

Apple & Rhubarb Pudding, YOMG, Australia, IG @yomgburgers

YOMG Morno, Australia introduced several hot baked toppings called Hot Scoops in November 2022; apple & rhubarb pudding was one of these. Apple & rhubarb sponge puddings are popular in the UK, where they originated, as well as Australia and New Zealand. The pudding is a light, fluffy sponge cake on top of baked fruit. It’s best served warm.

Black Sugar Sago Pudding, Smile Yogurt, Hong Kong, IG @smileyogurt

Smile Yogurt in Hong Kong specializes in elaborate froyo parfait creations. Their Black Sweeties parfait featured black sesame meringue, black sugar sauce, macaron, coconut jelly, black sugar sago pudding, and homemade crumbs. Lots of creative froyo toppings! Sago pudding is usually made with coconut milk and sugar. Adding black sugar to the sago pudding changes the flavor and uses a trendy ingredient in Asian desserts, black sugar. Black sugar is unrefined cane sugar that hasn’t been stripped of molasses. The sugar cane is squeezed to remove its liquid. The liquid is boiled down into a paste that’s allowed to harden.

Coconut Hazelnut Cake Crunch, Eb & Bean, Portland, Oregon, IG @ebandbean

Eb & Bean makes their toasted hazelnut-coconut cake crumb from Papa Haydn’s Mt. Adams Cake⁠. Papa Haydn is a beloved restaurant and bakery in Portland, Oregon, founded in 1978 by a young married couple, Heidi and Jeff Van Dyke. The Mt. Adams Cake, named after the second highest peak in Washington, is a fluffy hazelnut-coconut cake with praline Viennese buttercream, wild huckleberry compote, and huckleberry Italian buttercream.

Hot Cross Bun Crumble, YO-CHI, Australia, IG @iloveyochi

YO-CHI in Australia has been upping their toppings game with a special topping every month, called Special Chi. For Easter 2022, they introduced Hot Cross Bun Crumble.

Icy Melon Sauce, Sour Sally, Indonesia, IG @soursallycoid

Sour Sally in Indonesia introduced two new sauces last October, Tiramisu Bliss and Icy Melon. While Tiramisu Bliss sounds tasty, we were intrigued by the mysterious sounding Icy Melon sauce.

Junior’s Macaroon Crunch, 16 Handles, US, IG @16handles

16 Handles collaborated with Junior’s to create cheesecake ice cream. Junior’s in Brooklyn is known to have the best cheesecake in New York. They also introduced bakery toppings to pair with the new flavor, including Junior’s Macaroon Crunch, Spiced Apple Topping, and Crumb Cake Crumbs.

Mango Sticky Rice, Buddhi Belly, Thailand, IG @buddhibelly

For Songkran, aka Thai New Year, Buddhi Belly introduced mango sticky rice as a topping. Mango sticky rice is the national dessert of Thailand that you can find in just about every restaurant in Thailand. The simple dessert is made with glutinous rice cooked in coconut milk, sugar, and salt. It’s served with coconut sauce and chopped fresh mango.

Pandan Mochi, Yo Mama, Hong Kong, IG @yomamafroyohk

For Father’s Day 2022, Yo Mama in Hong Kong partnered with Cookie Department for three new limited edition toppings: Pandan Mochi, Double Chocolate Crumble, and Red Velvet Crumble. Cookie Department made pandan mochi cookies!

Meiji Hello Panda Strawberry Cookies, Yogurtland, US, IG @yogurtlandinc

Yogurtland introduced Meiji Hello Panda Strawberry cookies to pair with their first new frozen yogurt flavor of 2023, Strawberries ‘N Cream. The cookies feature a strawberry creme center and a crispy shell. Be sure to admire the different cute panda prints on the cookies before eating.

Pau’s Pan Dulce, Peachwave, Tucson, Arizona, IG @peachwaveoftucson

To support other local businesses, Peachwave of Tucson, Arizona, offers local toppings like Pau’s Pan Dulce and Dirty T Tamarindo. Pau’s Pan Dulce is a Latina owned business in Tucson that bakes conchas, cookies, empanadas, cupcakes, and more. Dirty T Tamarindo is a candy store in Tucson. They create Mexican treats with authentic recipes dating back to the 1980’s from Hermosillo Sonora.

Pineapple Jam, Koolpat, Indonesia, IG

KOOL PAT in Indonesia specializes in mix-in soft serve desserts. You choose a base first (dairy, oat milk, or yogurt) and your add-ins next. The base and add-ins are mixed together in a machine. For Chinese New Year, they created a feature flavor, Pineapple Tart, with pineapple jam, roombutter cookies, and butter crumbles.

Ruby Chocolate Sauce, Pinkberry, US, IG @pinkberryswirl

When Pinkberry came out with their first new flavor of 2023, Ruby Chocolate tart froyo, they also introduced a new topping, ruby chocolate sauce. The sauce is a pretty natural pale pink and it’s made with ruby chocolate. Ruby chocolate is a variety of chocolate made with ruby cacao beans; it’s naturally light pink in color and tastes like berries and white chocolate. Ruby chocolate was introduced by Barry Callebaut, the cocoa company, in 2017.

Saffron Sauce, Ripe, Kuwait, IG @ripekw

For Ramadan 2022, Ripe in Kuwait offered homemade saffron sauce and low carb pistachio cake. Saffron is popular in savory dishes and sweet desserts throughout the Middle East and South Asia. For example, Persians are known for their almond cake with saffron and rosewater. Indian rice pudding, aka, kheer, is made with rice, milk, saffron, sugar, and nuts.

We’re looking forward to spotting more creative froyo toppings!