Classified Trade Ads

IFYA’s free classified ads connect with interested frozen yogurt buyers and sellers.

Acceptance through use:

  • By submitting classified ad copy to the IFYA, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of IFYA’s classified ads service (the “Service”).  We reserve the right to make changes and updates to these Terms and Conditions at any time. The latest version of the Terms and  Conditions will be posted on this website.
  • Only registered users of the IFYA website may place classified ads.
  • All listings must be related to frozen yogurt. IFYA reserves the right to judge which listings are appropriate.
  • You agree not to use the service for any illegal purposes or for the transmission of material that is unlawful, harassing, racist, invasive of another’s privacy, abusive, threatening, obscene, vulgar, profane or otherwise objectionable.
  • You agree not to include a link or links to any listing on IFYA’s Classifieds in any junk mail, spam or unsolicited email
  • You agree not to post duplicate classified ads
  • Maximum ad length = 250 words


  • All ads are subject to IFYA’s approval. IFYA reserves the reject any ad for any reason at any time. IFYA’s classified ads are meant for the frozen yogurt industry. Ads for services not related to frozen yogurt will be removed.
  • IFYA reserves the right to ban individual users from using the classified ad service if we determine the user has abused the service.

No liability:

The IFYA bears no responsibility for any transactions that are based on classified ads posted on this site. The website has no control over the quality, safety or legality of any classified ad posted on this site or the truth or accuracy of the posts. We do not offer any representations or warranties concerning the ability of the seller to sell the goods or services, the buyer’s ability to purchase goods or services, that the buyer and seller will complete the transaction or that legal ownership of items is transferred. It is the sole responsibility of users to complete transactions.